Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Potty Trained.

Oh Happy Day. We think Zak is potty trained. He has gone 7 days wearing is big boy underwear and has only had 1 accident. And that was due to the fact he couldn't get his P.J.'s off fast enough. He even tells us when we are out in the car doing my job. I'm so proud of him. He almost has his 2nd sticker chart filled up so we will be taking another trip to the store to reward him. For his first sticker chart he wanted a Toby train. Every time he would use the potty he would say I did that for my Toby Train. But when we got to the store NO Toby Trains. He was so sad until we found him a dinosaur one. Now he want a remote control train. Good job buddy. Mom & Dad are so Proud of you.